About Stackworx

A carefully selected team of laser-focused individuals, passionate about building well-engineered platforms that have an impact. Work is more than a means to an end. When you choose to work with us, as a client or part of the team, you choose to work with real people, and not a process, service offering, or mere invoice or pay cheque. With clients across the globe and offices in Pretoria, SA and London, UK.

We don't always get it right - but we always aim to do the right thing

main foyer in the office



South Africa

13 Umgazi Street - 4th Floor, Menlo Park Pretoria, 0081
+27 72 147 8840


United Kingdom

Working from Southwark, 32 Blackfriars RdLondon, SE1 9PB
+44 7816 222149

Meet your experts

The ones turning your ideas into reality


Arno van Rooyen

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/11/2019

Brandon van Zyl

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/04/2021

Christo Deneys

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2023

Collins Moeketsi

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2023

Janco Steenkamp

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/06/2022

Johan van der Merwe

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2021

Jozehan Grobler

Engineering Lead

Stacking since 01/01/2019

Lara Cook

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2022

Leon Maringa

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2021

Lloyd Nicholson

Software Engineer

Stacking since 09/05/2022

Nyasha Hokoza

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/02/2023

Pieter Venter

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2023

Ruan Sunkel

Engineering Lead

Stacking since 01/03/2023

Stephan Engelbrecht

Engineering Lead

Stacking since 01/12/2018

Tiisetso Ntsoane

Software Engineer

Stacking since 05/09/2022

Varun Maharaj

Software Engineer

Stacking since 08/11/2021

Waleed Sohail

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/01/2022

Werner Buys

Software Engineer

Stacking since 01/11/2020

Project Delivery


Solution Manager

Stacking since 01/04/2021

Carisa Smook

Solution Manager

Stacking since 01/05/2022

Christiaan Wepener

Head of Delivery

Stacking since 01/06/2020

Liesl Ludeke

Solution Manager

Stacking since 01/09/2022

Liza Hansmeyer

Solution Manager

Stacking since 01/01/2020

Nathan Mey

Solution Manager

Stacking since 22/08/2023

Zayn Fox

Design Partner


HR & Operations

Elsie Nkuna

Office Barista

Stacking since 01/06/2020


George Hammond

Software Engineering Intern

Stacking since 19/01/2024

Wiaan Duvenhage

Software Engineering Intern

Stacking since 19/01/2024

Charné Jordaan

Working at Stackworx is a blast. I've only been working here for a few months and already feel like I'm part of the Stackworx family. Everyone at Stackworx is nice and friendly, and always willing to help.

Jozehan Grobler

Working at Stackworx is that walk in dream job. The challenges are real, but the support and knowledge available caters for a great working and learning environment.

Leon Maringa

As an intern I must say I was pretty scared for the outside world, had so many doubts. Lucky for me I got the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful team. It's only been a few months and already there has been a lot of things I have learned and already feel like a part of the Stackworx family. Working at Stackworx is a QUACKING experience.


Corneil Clasen

Managing Director

Ciaran Liedeman

Technical Director

Estiaan Roets

Commercial & Operations Director

Malin Patel

Business Development Director (UK)

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South Africa Flag

South Africa

13 Umgazi Street - 4th Floor, Menlo Park
Pretoria, 0081
+27 72 147 8840

Directions ➜
United Kingdom Flag

United Kingdom

Working from Southwark, 32 Blackfriars Road
London, SE1 9PB
+44 7816 222149

Directions ➜
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